Describe the lift-weight pitching moments.

Describe the lift-weight pitching moments.

The weight of an aircraft is applied at the CG. The lift at the CP. The relative position between these 2 points determines the stability of the aircraft. For an Aircraft with a tail surface, a CG in front of the CP constitutes a stable system, while a CG behind the CP an unstable system.

What is the typical range of an NDB?

What is the typical range of an NDB?

Average range over land 20 - 25 miles.

Range for an NDB can be calculated with:

2√power output in Watts = Range (Land) 3√ power output in Watts = Range (Water)

You need to uplift four tonnes of fuel, how many litres would you ask for if the SG is 0.8?

You need to uplift four tonnes of fuel, how many litres would you ask for if the SG is 0.8?

5000 litres

(4 tonnes / 0.8 = 5000 litters)

Why are NDB powered so that they only have a range between 15-25 miles?

Why are NDB powered so that they only have a range between 15-25 miles?

NDB’s can suffer from a lot of errors.

While climbing with a SEP, in what temperature range can carb icing occur?

While climbing with a SEP, in what temperature range can carb icing occur?

Carb icing can occur with temperatures as high 30°C and humidity as low as 50%, but it is more likely when below 20°C and high humidity, especially during low power settings.

What does the abbreviation PAPI mean?

What does the abbreviation PAPI mean?

Precision Approach Path Indicator

Does the N1 compressor produce thrust?

Does the N1 compressor produce thrust?

Yes, with the modern high bypass turbofans the N1 compressor works as a huge propeller, it takes a big mass of air and gives it a relative small acceleration.

Around 70% of the air will bypass the core of the engine, only 30% of air will be compressed further and will eventually go through the combustion chamber.

Is carb heat an electrical system?

Is carb heat an electrical system?

No. Carburetor heat uses exhaust air to heat air going into the carburetor. No electrics are involved.

If you only have a compass, which is easier to navigate along: a line of longitude or a line of latitude?

If you only have a compass, which is easier to navigate along: a line of longitude or a line of latitude?

A line of latitude.

What is VMBE?

What is VMBE?

The maximum brake energy speed.

It is a function of the gross weight, altitude, temperature, runway slope, wind component, and braking configuration.

V1 must be less than VMBE.

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